
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Dog's Pup Comes to the Rescue

Duane Chapman, better know as "Dog the Bounty Hunter", was recently scrutinized when a racist, hate filled voicemail he left for his son was released. Dog used the "N" word several times and told his son that he better stop dating his black girlfriend because if she hears them use the "N" word then she'll turn them in and they'll lose their show...among other things.

Once this was released, Dog was, of course, incredibly remorseful. He was sorry for saying those things, he's going to consult with his (black) priest for forgiveness and threw around Hawaiian words for inner peace.

According to, one of Dog's other sons (he has 9 children) has come to the Big Dog's rescue by saying that his father is definitely NOT a racist.

"My dad's not a racist man, if he was, he would have no hair, he'd have swastikas on his body and he'd go around talking about Hitler."

Um, no little pup. That's what we call a Nazi. A person can be racist against a certain race, sexual orientation or gender without being a Nazi. But maybe that's not the "Aloha" way since Dog seems to be so up on his Hawaiian culture. Ya know, being from Denver and all.

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