
Friday, February 07, 2014

Crash Helmet

I am the mother of a very active boy; a couch-as-a-launch-pad, falling down, climbing things, curious, into everything active boy.  Some days it's all I can do to keep up with his energy and his physical play, but knowing where he came from it makes my heart happy that he has such a zest for life.  He's creative and inventive and can make a game out of pretty much anything.

I was not surprised when the ultrasound tech told us we were having a boy as I had just KNOWN Munchkin was a boy from the very beginning.  I always saw myself as the mom to a little boy and, boy oh boy, I had no idea what I was really in for.

His physical play makes my heart stop.  He's not a "typical" boy that has no fear; he's very careful when it comes to new situations and will absolutely not jump off something unless he's 100% sure he knows what will happen on the other side.  He's a cautious daredevil.  However he finds himself in situations that leave a mark.  For example, yesterday he was rooting through the coat closet while I was cleaning the kitchen. He got caught up on something and fell onto something sharp and plastic that was on the floor.  Screeching and tears followed.  Oh, and Munchkin was crying and screeching too.  There was blood, lost skin and a frantic phone call to my dad to reassure me Munchkin wasn't going to lose his leg.  Of course Munchkin now wants to know all about his boo-boo and look at it all the time.  Apparently not squeamish at all.  I'll spare you the picture of his knee the morning after.

Motherhood should come with a crash helmet.

Launching himself off the sofa last week

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