
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

It's Just a Phase, It's Just a Phase

That's the statement I need to keep repeating to myself.  I love Munchkin more than life itself, but homegirl is TIRED!

This morning at 5AM
Munchkin is going through some sort of 3-year-old phase.  I'm assuming it's a combination of growing pains and the start of monsters under his bed.  This has culminated in multiple wakup calls through the night and Munchkin not going directly back to sleep.

For instance: Last night he fought bedtime until past 9PM, woke up at 4AM and was up until 4:30AM. He was back up at 5AM and stayed up until 7AM.  He finally passed out about the time the sun came up.  It's 11:45AM and I've been up for almost 8 hours already.

It's days like this I question my sanity of ever having a child (oh those long, sleep-filled nights of being child free!) and wonder what the flying fuck we're thinking of even entertaining the idea of having another.  As I'm trying to bribe my child back to sleep this morning, it's 7AM, the sun is coming up and I'm STILL awake, and I'm saying to myself "to-do list for tomorrow: schedule Hubs a vasectomy".

Good thing Munchkin is cute.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Munchkins grow out of it... but it is clear God made them adorable for a reason... So we don't kill them in this season of life. Hang on - sleep is coming. just not too soon.