
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

10 Things Tuesday

1. I'm really excited it's "afternoon thunderstorm" time again!
2. Sometimes it's nice when Hubs is out of town because I get sushi for dinner and watch trashy TV.
3. I'm ready to know where we're going to settle.
4. My faith has been both rocked and strengthened in the past week.
5. Munchkin can now count to 10 (sometimes 14).
6. I watched "What Would Ryan Lochte Do?" and I think my IQ dropped a few points.
7. There are mounds, not piles, of laundry in the basement. Ugh.
8. I would run you over for a chocolate frosted brownie right now.
9. Coffee is an addiction.
10. I want to learn how to paddleboard.

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